Press ReleaseSep 15, 2020
Ichiro Niwayama, CEO of Symphony Marketing, has published his sixth book, B2B Marketing Deviation Value Up on August 20, 2020, from Nikkei BP

Symphony Marketing is the leading B2B marketing services firm in Japan. Founded in 1990, Symphony has served over 500 global clients.
In his new book, Mr. Niwayama points out the systemic weakness of the marketing function in Japan’s powerhouse manufacturing companies. While these companies excel at production, operations and sales, their marketing departments are often isolated and undervalued, and their activities sub optimized, resulting in what he terms the "standard deviation" that separates marketing from its ideal position. He goes on to address such important questions as what has caused Japanese firms to differ so greatly from those in the West when it comes to marketing, and what steps they should take to catch up. Relying on his forty years of experience in B2B marketing, and numerous case examples, Mr. Niwayama offers a detailed set of actionable recommendations to bring modern marketing to Japan.
「B2B Marketing Deviation Value Up」Click here for details (Japanese Only)