Press ReleaseJan 8, 2020
Educational training for development and evaluation of B2B marketing teams
Announcing the launch of the Symphony Marketing Master program

Symphony Marketing is pleased to announce the launch of our exclusive training program, named Symphony Marketing Master. This educational program is designed for companies who seek to bring their in-house marketing staff up to world-class standards of B2B global marketing expertise.
Built on a unique platform of educational labs, Symphony Marketing Master provides a comprehensive, rigorous, but easy-to-follow skills development course.
The program is available beginning January 8, 2020.
What’s different about the Symphony Marketing Master program
Available nowhere else in Japan, our program is designed to build your staff into a team of professional global B2B marketers. Our exclusive "Marketer Training System" has been used successfully inside Symphony Marketing for many years to train new employees. And now we are proud to offer the same top-class training to our clients.
The program also comes with a special skills assessment module through which managers can understand, visualize and measure the results of the training program as their employees progress through each level.
The Symphony Marketing Master modules
Measure your people’s current marketing levels through an assessment test. Visualize specific areas where additional knowledge and experience is needed.
A series of interactive lectures covers the basic concepts and introduces practical frameworks, including a dynamic set of current case studies from a variety of industry categories.
Attendees can review and maintain their understanding of the lecture content through convenient videos and other online materials.
「Symphony Marketing Master」Click here for details (Japanese Only)
「Symphony Marketing Master」Click here for press release (Japanese Only)